Redesigning Managed IT Services – A Free E-Book

For many teams, managed IT services come part and parcel with working as part of an internal business function. Managed Service Providers provide the support you can rely on, or act as an essential add-on of your team to ensure you deliver everything required to move your business from strength to strength.
Over the years, the approach has changed slightly as the cloud has become the preferred method of delivery, but the idea of managed IT services has remained the same. This means we have reached a point where we must re-think how businesses use managed IT services to ensure that you, as an IT team, get the support need.
When talking broadly about our experience working with the clients we serve, we began to realise that much of the work we’d carried out involved providing managed IT services in a slightly different way to the norm. It made us realise that the needs of businesses are changing, which has culminated in an ebook – Redesigning Managed IT Services – which covers the problems we saw corporates face and how they overcame them.
In short, re-thinking managed IT services can allow the IT team to answer big, board level questions such as “how do we properly digitalise our business?” and “how can we boost our competitive advantage?”. This is a shift in culture, a shift in how the business thinks about IT and how IT works with the business. We can’t predict the future, but we believe that this redesign of managed IT services might just be the new normal one day.
By downloading the ebook, for free, you will get…
- A 17 page look at what we’re seeing in the businesses we work with
- An example of the redesign in practice
- A 5 page process that will help you begin making steps toward change, today.
Here’s an excerpt from the PDF to give you a taste of what you can expect…
In 2017 and even more so in the future, a business decision is always, even in the smallest way, a technology decision. That’s why IT is changing.
Taking the management burden of technology away from a business has been commonplace in the IT industry for over 20 years, so why are we talking about this subject now?
Well, the reality is that the way businesses interact with service providers (like us here at Cloudhelix) is changing… and for good reason. The way we see it is that instead of paying a managed service provider (MSP) to manage your headaches for you, providers should be better aligned with adding business value by building the foundations for future innovation. It’s all about realigning the perception of IT through adjusting how we work, think and approach what we do.
Through working closely with our clients, we’re beginning to see a new type of IT function emerge, and we think that this realignment of IT will become the new normal. It’s an exciting, remarkable and considered change in an industry that never stands still. We believe it will become the new standard.
Most IT professionals are living with the decisions of previous IT professionals, whether good or bad.
As various IT leaders come in over the years, all looking to have an impact on the business, we end up with a lot of approaches muddled into one company. While this has gone on, the business has changed drastically; It’s changed to the point that we can no longer avoid those skeletons in our server racks. IT needs to be
firing on all cylinders to support businesses that operate in a world that shows no signs of slowing down.

Our specialists have the answer