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Hybrid cloud is the best of both worlds — all of the benefits and advantages of the public cloud, and the private cloud, tailored to your company’s specific needs.

The hybrid cloud works because it keeps data with a low-security risk on the public cloud, taking advantage of the scalability, flexibility, and cost effectiveness of this platform. At the same time, it keeps sensitive, confidential, or compliance-requiring information on-site with a private cloud, keeping all data secure.

construction and clouds - how to implement hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud setup is flexible, with seamless operation between both public and private clouds. It is cost-effective, scalable, and provides the utmost security while allowing your business to benefit from the advantages of cloud computing.

Hybrid Cloud – You’re in Good Company

Wondering how to implement hybrid cloud? The good news is that many companies and organizations have paved the way. Hybrid cloud is growing in popularity and usage.

Increasingly, we are seeing that organizations need agile, scalable, and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. Hybrid cloud solutions and services fit the bill.

Because so many businesses are already using the cloud, we have also been able to learn more about what is important for new businesses embarking on using cloud technology. These businesses want cloud services that work well with existing systems. And they want to use the cloud without being locked into using a single vendor. We have listened to their needs and can provide  top, custom hybrid cloud solutions for your business.

More and more businesses are adopting the cloud because their competitors are doing so and they want to stay up to date with technological advancements. A good hybrid cloud service provider won’t upgrade a system without first looking at the business goals, but they can ensure that the resulting use of cloud-based technology will help the business to remain competitive and even beat the competition.

Hybrid cloud is being used in businesses of all sizes. It is gaining momentum in small business, is growing in medium-sized firms and is common in enterprise-level businesses. This is a solution that works for many.

All you have to do is avoid some common pitfalls while implementing the hybrid cloud, and you will surely benefit from its advantages when you are up and running.

Knowing What to Make Public vs. Private

A common concern with setting up a hybrid cloud system is not knowing what to make public, and what to keep on-site. You will want to make the most of your public cloud to take the burden off your on-premise resources and infrastructure, but you do not want to inadvertently create a security concern if you are working with sensitive data.

In determining what to migrate to the public cloud, determine whether or not an application is ready to move. Generally, older, data intensive apps may be better to keep local so that they do not incur major bandwidth costs. Modern apps that are built for the cloud are easier to migrate, of course, so if you are using those, feel free to switch them over.

Be aware of regulatory issues. If you work in healthcare, finance, or another industry with sensitive data and compliance rules, be very careful to check if a certain application or its data is legally allowed to be on a public cloud. Keep confidential or sensitive information on a private cloud.

Sometimes, when implementing a hybrid cloud model, it is best to go slowly, to make sure that you are doing things sustainably. Resist the urge to make it all public all at once. Work with every app and piece of information with care. In this way, over time, you will be able to sort through all of your resources, and have them placed in the appropriate cloud.

Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Setup

A common question is, “what type of hybrid cloud platform is best for my business?”

There are three main methods of migrating to a hybrid cloud platform.

Your company can choose private and public cloud services from different vendors, then roll it together on your end.

You can cut to the chase and buy into a hybrid cloud system with private and public cloud together from one vendor.

Or, you can create and maintain your own private cloud setup, and integrate it with a public cloud service.

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including your budget, your security needs, and speed requirements. It is best to analyze your business, your data, and your computing needs to understand what you require in a hybrid cloud setup.

Whatever you choose, make sure that your mission-critical apps and data are backed up, and running with the appropriate resources allocated.

Managing the Hybrid Cloud Sprawl

With access to a public cloud, it can be tempting to put anything and everything on the cloud and, theoretically, reduce the load on your on-premise infrastructure. This practice — known as cloud sprawl — can backfire.

Cloud sprawl can happen with any kind of cloud platform. With a hybrid cloud, it can be an issue, because staff might see public and private clouds as separate resources rather than one combined resource. Duplication, creating too many server configurations, and putting resource-heavy apps on the public cloud when they could work on the private cloud all contribute to cloud sprawl.

The problem with cloud sprawl is that it costs your company money. With a pay as you go hybrid cloud model, you will have to shell out funds for bandwidth.

Your IT department and other staff should be careful to only use the public cloud for what is best suited for this environment. A reputable cloud enablement services firm will help you monitor cloud computing usage to ensure that it is manageable.

Make the most of the hybrid cloud model by remembering that it is two parts of one whole, working together to benefit your business.

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