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managed public cloud benefits

For many businesses, the public cloud is an ideal solution. It is an easier option than setting up, purchasing and maintaining a private cloud server. However, the ease of the public cloud doesn’t mean that it’s best left in the hands of the IT department or other on-site staff. Maintaining even a public cloud service takes time and effort, as well as resources, and your team could certainly benefit from having this time and effort taken care of by service provider.

Situations Calling for Managed Public Cloud

If your business is new to cloud computing and is unsure where to start, managed public cloud services can be a great way to start. With a managed public cloud solution, you will have an easy, seamless introduction to cloud computing without having to sort out all of the details on your own. Managed public cloud services ensure that you get the greatest start to cloud computing, saving you time and money right from the beginning.

When your company is already using public cloud services but you wonder if you could be using the cloud more efficiently, this is another good time to call in managed public cloud experts. With experience in optimising the public cloud for companies of all sizes and types, a managed public cloud provider can ensure that your business is using the cloud in all of the right ways.

You can also benefit from managed public cloud services when you simply want more freedom for your IT staff. When you are managing public cloud services on your own, you have to dedicate a person, or a team, to ensuring that everything is working well. If you outsource this work, however, you are freeing up that person or those people to focus on future developments, meeting your company’s needs and providing the headspace .

How Does a Managed Public Cloud Service Work?

A managed public cloud service is fairly simple. Instead of your company managing the cloud services, you outsource the duties to an expert. Instead of training someone to handle all aspects of the cloud, and dedicating that employee to the cloud management tasks for your company, you work with a trusted cloud manager who does it for you.

Your company will benefit from the usual advantages of public cloud — affordable, scalable, and flexible services — with the addition of a management team that can find every efficiency available to your business.

Managed public cloud services ensure that your security settings are all in place and robust, that your maintenance is done on a regular basis to prevent any problems before they occur, and that your public cloud service scales up or down as needed, in a quick and responsive manner.

Having managed public cloud services means having someone on your team 24/7, which is typically costly if you have to pay a regular staff member for that kind of availability. From systems administration to incident management, to highly reliable support whenever you need it, there are countless benefits to managed public cloud services.

The Top Benefits of Managed Cloud

One of the biggest wins for your company will be flexibility. With managed services, it is easy to change what is not working for your company, and try out new technology as it appears on the scene.

Your cloud management provider can migrate your data, applications and other resources and adjust your service level as required, without you or your IT team having to take on the work.

Working with managed public cloud services, you are getting all of the expertise and knowledge of the people who do this every single day. Instead of having to brush up on cloud computing, hire a specific person with the skills and keep them on company payroll, or continually educate your IT department, you can simply outsource to the experts, who already have the knowledge required to run cloud platforms efficiently. Managing, monitoring and optimising public cloud workloads is all in a day’s work for a dedicated team.

You can also rely on a recurring, fixed cost for these services. This makes it easier to plan and afford than 24/7, in-house support. Instead of paying for overtime hours, emergency calls, or lost revenue when something needs to be fixed, you simply put the monthly bill in your company’s budget.

…and you don’t have to call a staff member away from regular business in the event of an emergency either. With managed public cloud services, there is always someone taking care of your system as their priority, which means more hands on deck if and when something does go wrong.

Getting Started with Managed Public Cloud Services

Given that there are so many situations in which managed public cloud services can help your business, there is no set time when it is best to bring in the experts. Rather, you should take a look at your business needs and consider what you need to accomplish with the cloud, and

In many cases, it makes sense to begin talking to providers as soon as you begin considering managed public cloud services. When you have expert help from the start, you can build a strategy around your needs to ensure future plans can be easily achieved. Your needs can be assessed from the ground up so that your cloud works perfectly for your company.

Your managed public cloud provider can help you choose the best services for your needs, finding all the right solutions to maximize cost savings, speed, and security. Be open to consideration from providers, but be forceful enough with them that they don’t sell you into a solution that doesn’t solve your problems.

Of course, if you are already using the public cloud, that does not mean you should not connect with a public cloud management team. No matter where you are in the process — considering the cloud, migrating to the cloud, or analyzing your existing cloud computing — outsourced management can help.

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