A deep-dive into the evolving threat landscape

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing cloud security landscape? We don’t blame you. IT leaders face a complex web of threats, from sophisticated ransomware attacks to evolving data breaches.

Join us for a ‘Demystifying Cloud Security’ session led by Paul Hogan and Jonathan Trayers. Gain a real understanding of Threat Detection as they walk you through a real world scenario of what could be happening in your environment and gain the insights and actionable steps you need to confidently navigate the cloud security landscape and ensure the safety of your organisation’s data.

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At Ekco, we cut through the jargon. Which is why we wanted to bring you a webinar that ‘demystifies’ cloud security.

We ditch the complex language and focus on delivering straightforward, actionable takeaways so you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of the cloud security threats you face and the practical steps you can take to mitigate them.

What is MDR & SOC and why do you need to know about it?

We all know that backup and disaster recovery (DR) are essential, but they’re a bit like having a fireproof safe in your vault – crucial, but in some cases not enough on their own.

Here’s where Managed Detection and Response (MDR) comes in. Imagine having a team of highly trained security guards dedicated solely to watching your vault 24/7. That’s essentially what MDR offers continuously monitoring your cloud environment for suspicious activity.

Let’s say someone tries to crack the lock on your vault (a hacker attempting unauthorised access). An MDR system would detect this attempt (like a tripped alarm) and instantly alert a Security Operations Centre (SOC). In this instance, the SOC is the security guard headquarters, where a team of analysts are on constant watch to determine if an alert is a real security incident or a false alarm.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The Evolving Threat Landscape: We’ll delve into the latest cyber threats targeting cloud environments, including ransomware, API breaches, and insider threats.
  • Beyond Firewalls: Discover why traditional security solutions are not always enough to protect your cloud data.
  • The Power of MDR & SIEM: Explore the transformative potential of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) for proactive cloud security.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain practical takeaways and thought leadership guidance to implement effective cloud security measures.


  • Date 15/05/2024
  • Time @ 11:00
